Aquarium Land — AQUA mini game (Part 2/2)
Alright, from the previous article we learned about “CEA” and how it will be used in Aquarium Land and in AQUA mini game. You also learned about “PEARL” another currency that will be around Aqua Finance.
After you receive your $pearl AQUA team will put 100,000 AFI for the initial pool on the first day. That 100,000 AFI will be the benchmark in AQUA Reward pool starting prize. Therefore, if the initial pool reserved is lower than 100,000, the AFI in the warchest will fill AFI in the initial pool to get close to or equal to 100,000 AFI.
The reward pool will increase with every $Pearl used each day, therefore the more the player and the number of games played, the higher the reward pool will be! Isn’t that awesome ?
Not only that, with the maximum number of rewards set to 50, there will be at least 50 winners each day who will receive AFI from the prize pool.
In cases where there is more than one game, the prize pool will be divided equally for each game and the prize pool is independent from each other. So, if there are 2 games, the initial prize pool will be 50,000 AFI for each game and the prize pool will independently go up based on the number of Pearls being used for the game.
Game 1 has 2,000 plays
Game 2 has 1,000 plays
Total plays is 3,000 plays.
3,000 plays = 300,000 AFIs paid = After tax 10% = 270,000 AFI sent to protocol and 40% goes to today’s pool = 108,000
50% goes to next day’s pool = 135,000
10% goes to warchest = 27,000
Based on the number of games played, Game 1 will have 2⁄3 of the 40% of prize pool payments for the day while Game 2 will have 1⁄3 of the 40% of the prize pool payments for the day.
Game 1 today’s pool will be 50,000 (initial pool) + 72,000 (2⁄3 of today’s pool) = 122,000 AFI Game 2 today’s pool will be 50,000 (initial pool) + 36,000 (1⁄3 of today’s pool) = 86,000 AFI
Next day’s pool will be divided equally therefore each game will start with 67,500 AFI as their initial pool.
Players can win rewards on more than one game each day, therefore it is possible to win a prize on each game if you can make it to the top 50!
The day resets every 00:00 AM UTC+7
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